how cool is this house? it reminds me a lot of a house that we looked at here in nashville that i can't stop thinking about. the house does not have wood paneling and brick like this one, but it is big and open with vaulted ceilings, giant windows and is in the hills above the city. it is an option for us, but is not our first choice. it is a little too removed and i think it is important for us to be in the city for at least a year or so. i want the kids to be able to meet friends easily and there is a really great homeschooling community here in town. we are looking at another couple of homes today, but one of them is a little more than we are wanting to spend and the other is in an area that may not be great for kids. there just aren't a lot of homes available right now that are big enough for our family. we're hoping that a few more options will open up after the holidays. fingers crossed.
on another note, i cannot believe christmas is just three days away. we need to get home soon so i can wrap presents and prepare for christmas eve with our friends. we were planning on leaving nashville tomorrow morning but aubrey thinks it might be best to leave tonight and drive half way since it took us twice as long to get here as it should have. road tripping with a toddler and a newborn has been... interesting. :)