after the little video that i shared of birdie on thanksgiving, i had several requests from many of you for more. i take a lot of pictures, but not a lot of video footage, so this gave me the perfect excuse to do so. i decided to turn this into a new blog series called conversations with birdie. the series is mostly for myself because i don't want to forget all of the cute things she says and does, but also to share with long distance family and friends and of course all of you.
so here is my first conversation with birdie. oh, and as most of you know, we are potty training so i hope you don't mind the underpants. aaand just a little bragging on how potty training went today... birdie had one accident and seven successes!!! i am such a proud mama.
footnote: i will also share videos of the other kids from time to time, if and when they let me.