i called my beautiful, incredibly funny and talented friend elise tonight complaining of a sore throat, because a.) i hadn't talked to her since this morning and b.) that's what friends do... don't they? and i am so glad that i did because it reminded her of this magic sore throat cure, tea concoction that she recently came up with and forgot to tell me about. i carefully listened to her instructions over the phone and made it there on the spot. not only did it work and work well, but now i need to add magic, gypsy woman to the long list of wonderful things i have to say about my friend. the tea was delicious. a warm, spicy, coconut-y cup of heaven and it soothed my sore throat immediately. so here i am, a couple of hours later to tell you about this miracle tea. don't worry, she said that i could share.
make a cup of herbal tea. throat coat or slippery elm were her recommendations, but i did not have either of those. i used a white, lemon, ginger tea that was sent to me by a sweet blog reader. (thank you amy!) drop 4-5 whole cloves (or 2 pinches of ground cloves) into the bottom of a large sized mug or if you are using loose tea put them into your tea ball and brew your tea. stir in 1 teaspoon of honey. if using ground cloves make sure you wait until the grounds sink to the bottom of your mug. then add 1 tablespoon of unrefined coconut oil, but do not stir. trader joes makes a great one and it's cheap. wait until the coconut oil melts and until your tea cools down a bit. then drink almost to the bottom, but don't drink the clove grounds. it will knock your sore throat right out. this home remedy is a keeper. thank you dear friend!
word of advice: drink carefully. when you first sip, the coconut oil at the top will be a bit cooler then the hot tea below and you could burn your mouth, so be sure to let your tea cool down before drinking.