sailor rhodes turned four months old yesterday. he is all hands in mouth these days with lots of drool and coos and ahhs. his two bottom teeth are close to surfacing which is causing him to be uncomfortable at times, but for the most part he is in good spirits. he smiles big with both his mouth and his eyes. my favorite thing is when he is nursing in my lap and i notice that he has stopped, or paused for a while, i look down at him and he is looking up at me with a huge smile on his face. i can't begin to describe what that does to me. i am so in love with my boy.
he loves to be held. in fact he prefers to be held most of the time, so he is in my arms much of the day or in one of our baby carriers. he is starting to grab for things, mainly the red heart tattoo on my wrist. he also likes to pull on clothes and hair and papa's beard. he loves his tummy time and can hold himself up pretty well now. he just started rolling over, but gets a little frustrated trying to get his arm out from underneath him. he sleeps through the night and is starting to nap more regularly during the day. he's a really good baby.

where to find / sailor's outfit, mini rodini. knit balthazar toy, luckyboysunday.