cheers to a happy new year folks!
this year has been full of so much goodness. i wanted to take a quick moment to say "thank you." THANK YOU for all of your kindness, your support and the encouragement that you have sent our way this past year. we are truly grateful.
this is the very first year that i am without julian and milla plum for new years. we usually dress up fancy and have a little family celebration in our living room, complete with a hodgepodge of appetizers, martinelli's for the kids, champagne for the adults and hours of board games. this year will be a little different. the babies will hopefully be fast asleep by the time the ball drops, so aubrey and i will have a little "date night in" to ring in the new year.
here's to fresh starts, new goals and warm wishes for 2013.
photo by brooke schwab, doodles by me.