there are only eight days left until christmas, well technically seven since i am writing this late at night, but how exciting! my big kids are flying to florida for christmas on wednesday, it's their dad's year. it is always hard not having them here for the holidays, but we decided to spend this christmas eve with some good friends and their kids, so i am looking forward to that. we are going to exchange gifts with them and spend the evening in cozy pajamas and eat lots of yummy food. i will be making artichoke dip and my carrot soup. i still need to come up with a dessert. i'm thinking pie.
many of you have asked me to tell you more about the books i wrapped up for the kids in place of an advent calendar. so here you go...
24. pete the cat: i love my white shoes.
23. itsy mitsy runs away.
22. i had a favorite dress.
21. dragons love tacos.
20. boot & shoe.
19. the great paper caper.
18. the heart and the bottle.
17. pete the cat and his four groovy buttons.
16. oh no, george!
15. abe lincoln's dream.
14. goldilocks and the three dinosaurs: as retold by mo willems.
13. the three ninja pigs.
12. bear has a story to tell.
11. the fantastic flying books of mr. morris lessmore.
10. a home for bird.
9. extra yarn.
8. those darn squirrels!.
7. lost and found.
6. the way back home.
5. the incredible book eating boy.
4. a sick day for amos mcgee.
3. a book of sleep.
2. the dot.
1. how to catch a star.
how do you celebrate the holidays? i love learning other peoples traditions and would love to hear some of yours if you would like to share.