* update 6/17 - i was just made aware that this bits + pieces post could not be viewed through it's direct link and the comment link was not working since i posted it yesterday morning. not sure what went wrong there but the link and comments should be fixed now.
bits + pieces.
1. pancakes made with the leftover buttermilk from the other day.
2. listening to records all day, everyday.
3. birdie and her baby. we got her this little doll to help prepare and teach her how to be gentle for when her new baby brother comes along. they are getting along swimmingly.
4. kale.
5. sea salt and burbon vanilla caramels that are to die for.
6. a fun early dinner/sleep over for the kids and their friends before they leave for summer.
7. a treasured duck feather.
8. so it begins...
9. the snippets and stocks of fruit and vegetables to feed to the chickens.
10 & 11. a fun night with denise, johnny, stella and lucy.
we're off to austin for an overnight adventure before the kids head to florida. have a great weekend.