i wanted to give you all an update on our chicken keeping. we are still enjoying every minute of it. all five of our hens are alive and well and seem to be extremely healthy. however, we are a little suspicious about yoko. we think that she may actually be a he. she is much bigger than the other hens and her chirp sounds a little different. if this is the case we will have to take him back to the feed store. roosters are a no no inside of the city. the kids are very understanding but they do ask that we get another hen in yoko's place of course. :)
each day we clean their cage and fill their feed jar, we also refill their water jar twice daily. they are fairly easy animals to take care of. after a lot of careful research we finally decided on the perfect coop for our girls. it will be here later this week. turns out it would have cost us just as much, if not a significant amount more to build a coop ourselves than to just purchase one. we will move them into their coop within the next couple of weeks and once they are full grown chickens we will buy them this chicken yard to give them more room to roam.
we've been living vicariously through our very favorite farming book lately and dreaming of a simple country life like i've discussed in my past "farm dreams" posts that you can see here and here. we've been going back and forth between choosing to stay here in texas and settling down outside of the city or to move back to san fransisco bay area to be closer to my family and friends. lately we are really leaning towards staying put. we want to buy some land and start building our dream, realistically this would be much more obtainable here in texas. the kids are already dreaming up our future home and drawing out farm plans which include little houses for each of our new pets... pot bellied pigs, the little goat family, bunny rabbits, guinea pigs, two horses and the alpacas. hah! we are big dreamers over here.