bits + pieces of my recent trip to austin.
my friend darrell and i took a road trip up to austin earlier this week to celebrate our ten year friendiversary. he had never been before and i love the place so what a perfect excuse to get away for a bit. we stayed at the hotel san jose on south congress and spent two days exploring, eating amazing food, shopping and experiencing the city as best we could on a monday and tuesday. we had a great time!
a few of our favorite stops... we bought our friends and family little gifts from tesoros trading company. this shop is incredible. a few of our favorite vintage shops included new bohemia, new brohemia (all men's) and feathers boutique, which i believe used to sell online back when we all sold on ebay. the best thing i ate was the black bean entree from magnolia cafe and the burgers from hopdoddy. i almost died when we went into uncommon objects. i wanted to take everything home with me! sadly i didn't get any photos of the inside. no cameras allowed. the best coffee was from jo's right next to our hotel. speaking of our hotel... the san jose is lovely. not too expensive and just as comfortable as can be. they happened to have my all time favorite shampoo & conditioner
that i use at home, in the bathrooms. bonus points! possibly my favorite part of the hotel's amenities were the robes they had for each guest. i had to buy one to take home with me. a little pricey but completely worth it. best purchase i made on the trip, hands down! i highly recommend the san jose if you are ever in town for a visit. ooh... and i can't forget rita's italian ice. i haven't had this sweet treat since florida and was so excited when i discovered there was one in austin!
our trip was short and sweet. i will be heading back soon. very soon.
footnote: thank you so much for all of the congrats & well wishes. we are so thrilled! xo.