this morning was lovely. coffee date with the mister and our little bird. there's this abandoned drug store right next to the coffee shop that we always swoon over. the entire inside is still 'as is' from the 1960's. it's like a little time capsule. everything inside has just been sitting for over fourty years. a little gold mine. we have inquired about buying the contents of the shop and possibly even purchasing the building but the owner lives hours away and is old and kind of grumpy. we should try harder. it really is incredible inside. this is what i wore...
cropped top: c/o romwe.
skirt: delightful dozen.
purse: vintage.
blue stone ring: c/o wendy mink.
stackable rings: gilt groupe.
shoes: c/o wanted.
footnote: these photos were shot with a sigma 24-70 2.8 DG HSM lens, c/o sigma.