hello there. i was singing the title of this blog when i wrote it just so you know. i need your help my friends... remember how i asked you the other day to vote for the bleubird blog because we were nominated for the bump awards? well, i am excited to say that WE WON OUR CATEGORY! yaaaaay! i am so honored and excited and wanted to thank you for your votes. but now there is a final round. i need to ask you for your help again for best overall blog. not only could i expand my readership and meet some new people by winning the contest but i could also win a pretty cool prize. (an apple ipad...eeeeek!)
so please help and take a moment to vote for us if you enjoy the blog. you can vote as many times as you like because theres no limit. voting ends on monday night so i am keeping this post at the top of the blog for a few days to encourage bleubird votes. please scroll down for new posts.
thanks so much. you guys rock!
big hugs, james.
footnote: i hope you guys don't get annoyed that i keep asking for your votes from now until monday. eeeps, i'm just so excited and really want to win. so... i'm sorry in advance. *winks*
footnote to my footnote: aaaand they even spelt bleubird right! wahooo.