this weeks giveaway is sponsored by moose and bird. the talented melinda is the artist behind the australian based etsy shop. her lovely creations are so pretty and girly, not to mention made of recycled fabrics and trims. i adore them. melinda was so kind to offer one lucky bleubird reader a super cute handmade fabric doll. she sent one to little gemma and we absolutely love it!
here is the fabric doll you are entering to win. isn't she pretty!
there are a couple of ways you can enter... the first is to simply leave me a comment below. for additional entries you can vote for us on top baby blogs by clicking right here and then clicking the top link on the voting page. make sure you leave a comment after doing so to count your additional entry. you can do so again once each day until the giveaway is closed and the winner is announced on friday.
good luck to you and a big thank you to moose and bird for gemma's lovely doll and this beautiful giveaway! be sure to check out the moose and bird etsy shop for more beautiful handmade things. XO!