happy monday everyone! i found a picture of myself when i was two. oh how i wish i still had that little rocking chair to give to my little ones. it's so cute. how was your weekend? mine was great but i spent too much time in the sun and have quite the sunburn. this week is a crrazy one! we have so much to do around here. i'm hoping that i will be able to stay organized and really tackle this to-do list. a few things i am hoping to complete this week are...
* finally finish painting all three kiddo's rooms. not only are we setting up a little nursery for the bird but we are also giving the kiddos mini bedroom makeovers. they deserve new pretty spaces too.
* clean... organize & declutter each room in the house. this is a big one! i've got a lot of stuff and i think it's time we had a yard sale to get rid of some of it. i'm even thinking about having a blog sale for a few things. i've always wanted to do one of those.
* a big ol' bleubird shop update.
* finally finish the baby birds name announcement. (crossing fingers) we had a really fun but time consuming idea in mind for it. i'm hoping i have enough time to execute it or else we may have to switch to plan b.
* fix the bathtub in the upstairs bathroom so it can be used again. right now if you turn the bath on upstairs it leaks directly onto my head at my desk below.
* replace all burnt out light bulbs.
* sewing and completing crib sheets and bedding.
* catch up on laundry.
that's good for this week and i feel like those goals are obtainable. wish me luck!
and now for last weeks appleseed giveaway... the winner of the secret note necklace is:
CONGRATULATIONS chelsea!!! please email me your shipping info. XO.
one more thing... our sponsor darling nikki vintage is offering bleubird readers 40% of clothes, shoes and accessories and 25% off of all housewares in her shop from now (june 28th) thru wednesday (june 30th). the discount will be refunded via paypal. please visit her shop and be sure to mention BLEUBIRD in the note to seller to receive your discount. check out her shop and grab something cute! she also has a new facebook page so if you like what you see become a fan!
happy monday!!!
p.s. i still have a few basic sponsor spots available on the bleubird blog for the month of july! they're going to go fast because they are at a discounted rate so if you'd like to grab one up or renew a current ad please email james[at]bleubirdvintage[dot]com for details!!! XO.